
Written by Brian Shepler, President and Executive Vice President

As we begin 2022, let’s consider the value of unity. Unity is a big deal! It shows up in many different areas of our lives—in our workplaces, in our churches, in our neighborhoods, and in our personal relationships, to name a few. Absent unity, progress is stymied, teamwork is challenged, and relational harmony is often compromised. Unity is such a critical element of maintaining the momentum needed to reach our goals, its preservation requires an intentional focus and consistent pursuit.

Unity differs from other relational concepts such as agreement or alignment in that it implies a commitment to an agreed-upon goal. It describes action and movement. For example, spouses are unified when they parent their children to reinforce an established family core value or when they make financial decisions based on previously defined goals. Athletic teams require unity to collectively achieve their objectives each season. Workplace teams leverage unity to seamlessly execute day-to-day responsibilities and successfully manage organizational change. In 2022, consider areas of your life that could be enriched by increasing or renewing unity.

Scripture reinforces the importance of unity throughout the Old and New Testaments. Moses and Aaron approached Pharoah in unity to demand the release of Israel. Nehemiah rallied his people in unity to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. In Psalms 133, David stated, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” The apostle Paul invested his life as a planter and unifier of countless churches. And Jesus Christ provided the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of unity between God and His creation via His death and resurrection. Finally, Christ chose unity as the central theme of His final prayer for the disciples in John 17.

The past two years have been wrought with cultural challenges due to the global pandemic and political divisions in our nation. Our corporate unity at Blue Trust has also been tested in the midst of efforts to build operational capacity. Still, I have been encouraged by the steadfastness of our team members across the country and their consistent efforts to preserve unity. I am grateful that we are compelled toward unity by our common mission to see clients freed financially as they apply biblical wisdom in their stewardship of God’s resources.

Exciting days are ahead for Blue Trust! Our eyes and hearts are fixed firmly on the opportunities God is orchestrating to take new ground and serve more and more clients in 2022. We are also looking forward to sharing inspirational stories and content through our upcoming “Wisdom for Wealth. For Life.” podcast, as well as other digital media partnerships and opportunities, which will help spread our mission and message to many others. The theme for our annual Legacy Summit employee conference this year is “Forward Together,” and I am excited for the increased unity we will experience as we gather to cast renewed vision and celebrate our mission being accomplished. Let’s all move forward together!

Scripture taken from The Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


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