“Blue Trust is a breath of fresh air in a world driven by profit and the acquisition of things. They are a conduit to empowering the lives of others.”
– Kenny Hill
Chief Supply Chain Officer, Atlanta Community Food Bank

– Kenny Hill
Chief Supply Chain Officer, Atlanta Community Food Bank
How do we walk with you on your generosity journey? Our advisors help you determine “how much is enough” so you can feel confident holding your resources with an open hand.
For us, generosity isn’t just a great idea, it’s part of our mission as an organization. Our vision is to help our clients donate a total of $1 billion each year. Every Blue Trust financial advisor lives out our mission as well by having their own advisor to help encourage them on their personal generosity journey.
Watch our Faces of Generosity video series to see how we help our clients fulfill their dreams of giving back to charities and mission work at home and around the globe.
Deeply impacted by their volunteer experiences with refugees, Karen Guess and her family moved to Clarkston, Georgia to serve as ambassadors and neighbors to individuals and families seeking a better life in America.
Hear how Blue Trust helped Karen ask the question, “How much is enough?,” not only as it relates to money, but also in regard to her time and desire to serve others.
Desiring to empower others to improve their quality of life, Robin and Wayne Hoover began working with CARE for AIDS to help prevent orphans in Africa. They have sponsored and worked in the community centers that provide support and opportunities to families affected by HIV/AIDS.
Hear how their Blue Trust advisor has encouraged their generosity journey.
Molly and Tom Armstrong didn’t plan to have children, but transformations in their spiritual life changed their path and led them to open their home and their hearts to 15 adopted children and their life changed forever. In addition to the horses, cow, llamas, and a camel on their farm outside Charlotte, North Carolina, Molly Armstrong and her husband Tom now have 15 children, 8 boys and 7 girls – all adopted.
Hear more about the Armstrongs’ story and how their Blue Trust advisor has come alongside them as they determine how best to share the resources they have been entrusted with.
When the National Christian Foundation cofounder, Terry Parker, had to decide between accepting a circuit court of appeals judgeship or continuing to lead the charitable company he helped to create, he was forced to step back and look at his finances and his dreams for the future. He allowed his values around generosity to guide his path.
Learn how his relationship with Blue Trust helped solidify these values and the choices he made.
Retired Major League Baseball pitcher, Jaime Garcia, received a piece of advice from his Blue Trust advisor that inspired him to give back in a tangible way that goes beyond writing a check. Jaime partnered with a community development organization in Mexico that builds schools and gives local residents an opportunity to work toward a home of their own through community service.
Learn how these experiences changed Jaime’s perspective on giving.
At Blue Trust, we believe everyone is called to live a generous life. We help our clients determine “How much is enough?” so they can hold their resources with an open hand. Through our book, Faces of Generosity, we wanted to share how generosity has always been at the heart of what we do. This book highlights some of our clients that have given their time, talent, and treasure to sacrificially help others.
Click here to discover additional resources on the topic of giving, or purchase the book on Amazon by clicking the button below.