Entries by BrittanyA

12 Financial Tips for New Parents

Written by Private Wealth Advisor Andrew Allen Whether you’ve just welcomed a baby, become a grandparent, or are close to someone who has recently had a baby, this is a special time filled with joy and new beginnings. You’ve likely seen the excitement and anticipation building over the past months for this precious “gift from […]

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Stocks, Bonds, Bears, and Bulls — Oh My!

Written by Senior Financial Planner Mary Helen Klingen Funny things can happen when people find out you help others with their finances for a living. Sometimes, they’ll tell you things about their finances they’ve never shared with anyone else. It can happen out of the blue—whether I’m watching TV with a friend or working out […]

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Economic Review & Outlook Fourth Quarter 2024

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Portfolio Impact of Fed Rate Cuts

On September 18, the Federal Reserve (the Fed) lowered the federal funds rate by 0.50% (50 bps). Whether the Fed would cut rates by 0.25% or 0.50% was hotly debated, and opinions oscillated based on inflation and unemployment data. There were valid arguments for both. Regardless, this cut indicates the Fed is entering a rate-cutting […]

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How to Shop for Home, Auto, and Umbrella Insurance

Written by Everyday Steward Senior Financial Advisor Dan Wolthuis With the rising costs of insurance coverage, it is often worth the time and effort to “shop around” every few years for your homeowners, automobile, and personal umbrella liability policies. Shopping around can help you find suitable coverage at favorable pricing that yields the best value […]

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Are You at Risk for Financial Fraud? Here’s How to Protect Yourself.

Financial fraud is on the rise—and it’s impacting Americans of all ages. This fact hit home for millions of people after hackers breached the Social Security database and accessed 2.9 billion records, including Social Security numbers. Unfortunately, talented individuals with bad intentions are continuously looking for new opportunities to make off with your personal data. […]

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Teaching Children Stewardship With Their Allowance

Written by Private Wealth Advisor David Lawless and Sr. Financial Planner Blake Mankin In 2019, Blue Trust published “Should I Give My Children An Allowance?” by Private Wealth Advisor Shawn Jacques, who described teaching his children about stewardship through an allowance system. As Shawn’s article explains, conversations with our children about finances, work, generosity, saving, […]

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Economic Review & Outlook Third Quarter 2024

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Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of True Riches

On a summer day in 1776, 56 men affixed their signatures to a document declaring the United States’ independence. After laying out the reasons for the separation from England, they concluded the Declaration of Independence by saying: “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we […]

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The Beauty of a Mother’s Enduring Legacy

Originally conceived in the early 1900s by Anna Jarvis, Mother’s Day was created to honor the sacrifices that mothers make for their children. Jarvis envisioned Mother’s Day as a time of personal celebration between mothers and their families. In today’s busy world, she would likely encourage us to return to the simple act of reflecting […]

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A Message From Our New CEO

Written by Brian Shepler I am grateful and humbled by the Board of Directors’ invitation to serve as the next CEO of Blue Trust―just the fourth CEO in the company’s 45-year history. I couldn’t be more excited about the opportunity before us to maximize the firm’s mission and continue providing trusted, biblical financial counsel to […]

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Introducing Blue Trust’s New CEO

Written by Nick Stonestreet For the last seven years, I have been honored to serve as chief executive officer (CEO) of Blue Trust and be part of the significant growth we’ve achieved as a firm and the dedication with which we have continued to serve our clients. Now, I am privileged to announce that Brian […]

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Easter Message: Delivering The Hope Of Enlightened Eyes

Written by Jeff Chinery, Sr. Partner and Managing Director of Blue Trust’s Everyday Steward Division Baskets, egg hunts, and chocolate bunnies are some of the things people often associate with Easter. But we know that none of those things has anything to do with Easter’s true meaning. In fact, Easter would not be worth celebrating […]

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Celebrating Black History Month and Everyday Heroes

Observed every February, Black History Month is a time to honor the contributions and legacy of African Americans across U.S. history and society. In addition to remembering the activists and civil rights pioneers who bravely fought for equality, we also appreciate the opportunity to recognize  leaders and organizations that work tirelessly to help our local […]

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Financial Intimacy

Many of us will celebrate Valentine’s Day with our spouses, partners, and friends this week. At Blue Trust, we want to join the celebration by providing you with some critical, often overlooked, counsel on money and relationships derived from the many conversations we’ve had with our clients on the topic. This article includes relational questions […]

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Quiet Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement

Today, we pause and remember the legacy and impact of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Confronted with often violent opposition, he fully embraced a peaceful approach, nonviolent resistance, and quiet strength when advocating for his belief in a more just society. In the face of violent opposition, constant threats, and social upheaval, what do gentleness […]

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Strategic Generosity Using Stock Shares

Written by Ryan Anderson, Private Wealth Advisor, and Blake Mankin, Financial Planner, in Blue Trust’s Houston, Texas office Blue Trust specializes in helping clients understand strategic approaches for giving generously to the ministries and charities they’re passionate about. Many donors are familiar with how to donate liquid assets like cash; however, they can also give […]

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An Alternative Investment

Written by Russ Crosson, EVP and Chief Mission Officer As we enjoy the lazy days of summer, children expend their energy on camps, vacations, visiting family, hanging out with friends, and enjoying freedom from homework. In this blog, I would like to give you, as parents and grandparents, something to think about as we wrap […]

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Financial Peace of Mind

The following was written by Jim Wise, Senior Partner, Senior Private Wealth Advisor, and Director of Ministry Services We live in the world’s wealthiest nation, yet every year, ministries close their doors, and missionaries leave the field for lack of adequate funding. The problem is not that there aren’t enough resources in the hands of […]

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“Wisdom for Wealth. For Life.” Episode 25: Passing On Your Legacy

 Have you considered how you will influence the lives of your children, grandchildren, and beyond? Many of us have life stories and lessons we want to pass down to our descendants, but how do we leave a legacy that can survive future generations? When sharing your values and hard-won wisdom with your descendants, there […]

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Economic Review & Outlook Third Quarter 2023

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The State of U.S. Commercial Real Estate: Risks and Opportunities

Bank failures have put stress on the markets this year, but another area that has the potential to frustrate the economy is the $20 trillion commercial real estate (CRE) market. Commercial real estate is a broad term that encompasses various types of properties used for business purposes, such as offices, retail shops, industrial and logistics […]

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A Path to Financial Freedom

This week, we celebrate Independence Day! As we give thanks for our freedom as a nation, we also want to take a moment to highlight another type of freedom – financial freedom. At Blue Trust, we value financial planning and believe it is the first step in a journey to financial freedom. We’ve prepared this […]

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Love and Money

Most of us are familiar with the verse in John 13:34, where we are commanded to love one another. Loving our families and those close to us may be easy, but what does it truly mean or look like to demonstrate love, care, and concern for others? Matthew 6:21 states, “Where your treasure is, there […]

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